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Aluminium Windows

Over a course of three weeks, our Manchester-based spray team have completely transformed the look of these aluminium frames both internally and externally, for Associated Security Solutions Ltd in Middleton.

Our Spraying Specialists have transformed the look of these existing frames in-situ. Using RAL5013 to complement the company signage and logo, this property oozes professionalism. Gone is the failed red powder-coating and in with a deep, sleek shade of blue.

Whether your existing aluminium frames are residential or commercial – we have a solution to match your needs. Our Specialist Team here at Technique Coatings are able to personalise a respray package suited to you. Our product is quick-drying and extremely durable, meaning you are guaranteed the highest quality of work every time.

Manchester Painting Spraying Project
Manchester Painting Spraying Project
Manchester Painting Spraying Project
Manchester Painting Spraying Project

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